Wednesday, February 28, 2007

yum yums

Rice Cereal

The First ever taste whoa!!

I think i like it ....i think...

Feb.19, 2007 was a very important day in the life of Gabriella Noel Zepeda she had her first taste of "real" food if rice cereal really falls into that category.

she so smart!!!

Gabriella learning to read early!!!

oops i forgot to post this on v-day

Happy First with her auntie lizbit

Our all wise God

Every day I wake up I am reminded of how wise our God is, and how Soveriegn He is, I am so thankful that His ways are not my ways and His thoughts are not my thoughts. I am especially thankful for Him giving us children as a means to sanctify us and make us more and more like him. There is something about having a child that will drive all that selfishness away, what a means of santifying grace in our lives! How wise and good is our Lord Jesus Christ who gives us exactly what we need when we need it.How faithful He is to each day allow the sun to rise and set. To each day allow us to wake up to live another day to draw closer to Himself, another day to be more Christ-like, another day to be santified more another day to live for the glory of God and to live all this out joyfully!! Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

gabriella and daddy

nana and pop-pop....happy birthday pop-pop

here some more pictures of gabriella this month she five months old now=)

This past month we had a korean student living with us she loved gabriella...we miss you jenifer!!

Friday, February 2, 2007